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Oktay Mutlu

Oktay Mutlu

National Geographic Learning

ABSTRACT:In the ever-evolving landscape of education, the classroom has long been a focal point of discussion. As educational paradigms evolve, redefining our approach to classroom management becomes even more crucial. This workshop will offer a blend of timeless wisdom and contemporary insights to address the challenges of today's classrooms. Beginning with a thorough review of current literature, it will delve into the nuances of effective classroom management. The presenter, drawing on the latest research, will navigate key concepts, laying a solid foundation for practical application. This will be followed by hands-on exploration and up-to-date tips ranging from student engagement to the use of educational technology. Above all, real-world scenarios and hypothetical classroom situations will form the workshop's core, fostering interactive discussions and problem-solving exercises, which will ensure that participants not only grasp the tips conceptually but can also implement them directly in their challenging teaching environments.BIODATA:Oktay MUTLU completed his Bachelor’s Degree (2010) and Master’s Degree (2019) at Ege University in the department of English Language and Literature. Also, he received the certificate of Teaching English (2010) from Dokuz Eylül University. In addition to his education and certificates in Turkey, he has the internationally recognized certificates of Materials Development in ELT (2015), Teaching English for Academic Purposes (2015), and Syllabus Design and Development (2021) from Norwich Institute for Language Education (NILE) based in England. Besides, he had Leadership and Management training in 2021 and Academic Management course in 2022. Being a TESOL (2020-2021) Certified teacher, who left almost 14 years behind in teaching, he started his academic career at Ege University in 2010 as English lecturer and has been working at Yaşar University as English instructor since 2019. Apart from his full-time position, he worked in the Curriculum and Materials Development Office for more than three years and is currently working as CPD (Continuing Professional Development) Office member. With respect to his academic interests, he is an active member of TESOL International Association, MATSDA, TESOL Türkiye Association, TT METASIG, TT LAMSIG, and is one of the founding members of TESOL Türkiye’s new SIG, TEDSIG (Teacher Education and Development Special Interest Group). Along with all his academic experiences and duties performed, he was previously involved in publishing industry as well and worked as Educational Consultant for National Geographic Learning for almost two years. More recently, being an SLTEP (School of Languages Trainer Education Program) alumni in good standing, he had an intensive training on Teacher Training at Sabancı University in June (2023) and is currently working as freelance teacher trainer.

All Sessions by Oktay Mutlu