
Stay Connected

Gülfem Karapınar

Gülfem Karapınar


ABSTRACT: In this session, we’ll remember the games that we played before and try to adapt some traditional games to an ESL format. We’ll figure out the importance of physical games in our digital world which is getting bigger and bigger day by day.   BIODATA: Gülfem Karapınar; English Teacher, Certified Interpreter and Cambridge Speaking Examiner. Gülfem has been teaching English since 2009. She used to work with Young&Very Young Learners for years. While teaching she likes having fun and trying new methods in the classroom. She supports students being active and sharing their ideas clearly. She always believes in the power of games and activities in learning.

12:15 - 13:00

Those Were the Games My Friends!

TARGET AGE GROUP: Preschool & Primary School

14:30 - 15:15

Concurrent Sessions